This one is a little tricky to wrap your head around; NAUPA (the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators), which is really just an organization of the collective departments of each State Government that takes custody of abandoned/unclaimed property, has prepared formal comments meant influence the Uniform Law Commission, who is responsible for drafting the new Unclaimed Property Act.
If you break down the comments, there are really some questionable policies being set forth by the State Governments with the overt goal of expanding their ability to take custody of an ever growing body of citizens' money, while holding that information as secret as possible. They hide their true ambitions with some clever wording.
Some major question marks:
#6 - Maintain the states' ability to utilize contract examiners and compensate them on a pay for performance basis.
#26 - Include the “Kansas Provision” covering unredeemed U.S. Savings Bonds. They want to take ownership of private citizens savings bond. Yes, they claim you can always assert a claim but then they recommend #29.
#29 - Expand confidentiality of owner records and holder information in the possession of the State.
#30 - Reduce abandonment periods and include an acceleration of the presumption of abandonment where the owner is deceased or where a dormancy charge has been imposed.
You can read all the comments here: