Since 2008, Fletcher Recovery Group has led the effort to reunite owners of unclaimed assets with their lost funds. We have been at the forefront of our industry; negotiating the release of these assets between the holders and the rightful owners.
Our Mission
To assist in returning lost assets to rightful owners.
Cash strapped municipalities with budget shortfalls spanning the country have led to an increase in the aggressive tactics that are being used to marshal assets under the relevant unclaimed property statutes. The original intention of the law was to protect assets that had been lost or forgotten from being absconded with by the institution holding the assets. The new normal consists of government abuse of the unclaimed property statutes at the State level; and the quiet accumulation of vast amounts of money belonging to the public to be used as a source of revenue for the government.
As owner advocates, Fletcher Recovery Group undertakes outreach campaigns in an effort to partner up with the individual owners, heirs and beneficiaries of these misappropriated assets. Ultimately, removing the assets from the government coffers and returning them to the rightful owners.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
What We've Achieved
Triumph - Committed effort to reunite the families of deceased individuals with lost assets.
Service - Dignified service to return unclaimed assets to owners and their families.
Footprint - Concerted attempt to replenish the natural resources we have utilized.
Over $100 Million in Assets Recovered since our inception.
Licensed Private Investigator
Arizona #1611095
Illinois #115002279
Minnesota #2009
Tennessee #2091
Texas #A17291